Catosfera, Catalan-speaking blogsphere meeting in Granollers

CatosferaToday the first meeting of Catalan-speaking blogsphere, popularly known as Catosfera, will take place in Granollers, a small city near Barcelona.
Blogging has been an important phenomenon in Catalan society, since many people have been able to express themselves in their own language about a huge plethora of topics and situations, ranging from politics to literature, but also sexuality and open-source.
Notably in the political arena, blogs became an important platform for political agitation and activism, specially before the voting of the present Statute of Catalonia, and later on with other campaigns such as "I also want an Own State", which originated XBS (a network of Catalan sovereigntist bloggers) and EstatPropi.Cat (a portal for showing independentist support all along the Catalan Countries).
Political parties and their candidates have been progressively entering this Internet space; and blogposting is presently an integral part of their campaign activities and, in some cases, of their daily reporting. Concretely, an excellent tool for tracking what is buzzing in the political panorama is Poliblocs, a web aggregator of Catalan politicians' blogs, which are also classified by their party or candidature.
Political blogging will not be the only topic in this weekend meetings, and there will be many other round-tables devoted to business, associationism, and even to a somewhat bizarre, but at the same time hot, discussion about the proper writing of "blog" word in Catalan ("blog" vs "bloc" spelling). Maybe I only miss some dedicated sessions centered upon technological blogging, which I would dare say is the first sector which emerged in Catosfera, for instance with the aged blog of Xavier Caballé. However, there will likely be another chance in the future.
These events will surely be a nice occasion for all Catalan bloggers who we only know through the Web to meet each other in person. I will try to briefly blog (and twitter) about the experience ;)

This busy weekend I must lament that I will not attend a Ubuntu Install Party in Valencia. If you happen to be nearby the capital of the Valencian Country, do not hesitate to discover this user-friendly Linux taste.