Catalan community Firefox 3 release parties

We are proud to announce that Catalan community will hold 3 parties for celebrating Firefox 3 release and its successful Download Day record: in Amposta, Barcelona and Valencia.

On Thursday 26th at 7PM , Centre Comarcal Lleidatà (Plaça Universitat - Barcelona) will be the chosen meeting point for discussing what's new in Firefox 3 and from which improvements web developers and common users may take greater advantage. For exploring this, a round table is organized with:

After this event, atendees will enjoy a good party time with the live performance of La Carxofa i la Ceba, a local music group.

2 days later, on Saturday 28th, there will also be activities in Ca Revolta, Valencia and Bart's Café, Amposta. These will help those who get there to find out more about web browsing state of the art. In both celebrations, as in the former one, there will be some nice surprises apart from an unsurpassable environment.

You can find more details at: