James I: 800th birth anniversary

Today is the 800th birth anniversary of who is usually considered the father of Catalan Nation, James I the Conqueror.
As homage, Catalan blogsphere is spreading fragments of his chronicles, which are a dictated work about his life's deeds.
These fragments are also accompained by an icon of the Pennon of the Conquest, which was formerly raised by the Moors as a sign of rendition when Valencia city was conquered.

Penó de la Conquesta

As a sample, I copy a text about the description of a spectacular eclipse when he stayed for a few days in his lordship of Montpelier.

E en aquel temps que nos estauem a Montpestler uench nos aqui lo Comte de Tholosa, el Comte de Proença, e haguem grans corts domens honrats daqueles terres quens uenien ueer. E aço fo ·I· any apres la preso de Ualencia. E entram en Montpestler el dijous: el diuenres en tre mig jorn e hora nona fo eclipsis major que anch hom uis de memoria daquels homens que ara son, car tot lo sol cobri la luna, e pudia hom ueer be ·VII· esteles en lo cel. E ab aytant cant nos haguem be feites nostres fazendes en Montpestler, e be e honradament de nos, faem armar lo bus de Montpestler qui era de ·LXXX· rems: e uenguem nosen tro a Cotliure, e per terra uenguem nosen puys a Ualencia.


During my stay at Montpellier there came to me the Count of Toulouse and the Count of Provence; and I had besides a great court of men of importance of those countries who came to see me. It was a year after the taking of Valencia that I went to Montpellier. One Friday, between midday and nones, there was the greatest eclipse seen in the memory of men now living, for the moon covered the whole of the sun, and one could see seven stars in the sky. When I had ordered my affairs in Montpellier well, and to my advantage and honour, I fitted out the ship called Montpellier, which carried eighty oars, and went in her to Collioure, and thence by land to Valencia.

